Sunday, December 18, 2011

D. B. Sweeney

So when they tell you your hair is going to thin, what they mean is that you are lucky: rather than have all your hair fall out at once, you are just going to shed like a husky in the springtime. If you are blessed with locks as thick and luscious as mine, you can keep up the appearance of health for a while, maybe even for the entirety of your treatment. Watching my hair fall out a little every day: another piece of cancer good news. Fortunately my friends understand actual good news, so I have some. With my awesome new iPad I can read Buffy comics or play games or do crosswords, not to mention chat and update my blog, all from the waiting room! On one device. I would absolutely shave my head for nice things so I call it a win. Merry Christmas, however: my washing machine just broke. My awesome new iPad doesn't wash underpants! There is no app for that. My life is a circus of strange luck lately.

1 comment:

Darnell said...

I don't have a comment on this post yet sooo.... first?