Friday, October 28, 2011


Alright, enough fancy talk. LET'S GET DOWN TO BRASS TACKS.

One of the first decisions I need to make in terms of my cancer treatment is what to do with my sperm. This is not even a joke. Turns out modern day chemo still comes with a small (in my case, likely very small -- like less than 1%) chance of causing infertility.

So since I am youngish and likely to live a happy, healthy life post-cancer, and might want to make some babies in the future (girlfriend says: YES), then I might want to consider taking out some baby insurance. Which is to say: freeze some sperm now before chemo maybe kills them all forever.

This would mean jerking off into a cup at a sperm banking facility, probably twice, definitely soon. This sounds worse than chemo, and possibly grosser than dying.

Unfortunately tupperware in the back of my own freezer is not really an option. I may just roll the dice despite the fact that, as I've already tried to demonstrate, if something happens to a small percentage of people I AM PROBABLY IN THAT GROUP.

Wait, why aren't I playing the lottery?


Robin said...

go for it!! it can't hurt, right? might be terribly awkward, but chalk it up to another bizarre experience...

BobMarket said...

go for it man. i've jerked off in plenty of weird places and they all were...wait. I forget where I was going with this. anyway. do it. or i hope you did because now im reading this entry thats from the past and youve already been in chemo. i hope your balls are good.