Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Hey, I got the results of my sperm test back!

Only problems are that 1, I don't know what any of these numbers mean and I currently have no doctor to explain them to me, and 2, thanks to the medical community's innovating use of fax technologies, there is a key spec on this report that might or might not be a decimal point.

My concentration (commonly referred to incorrectly as the "sperm count") is either 7.3 million per cubic centimeter (which is equal to a milliliter, turns out) or 73 million. Average is apparently somewhere between 20-40 million.

It's a small spec. I might have A LOT OF SPERMS.

Average motility is 60%. Mine is 59%, but estimated at closer to 35% after unfreezing.

Dr. Wikipedia helped me make sense of these results, so the fact that I have lots of super sperm is now confirmed with absolutely no doubt.

At least, I think the long and short of it is that if I need some sperm at some point, I got some. Also if you need some, let me know.


Darnell said...

Radiation and / or toxic chemicals often result in super powers, so this should come (huurrrr!) as no surprise.

BobMarket said...